DM Tools - Heromachine

Ulf Ironfist Lady Flame Bergin Heromachine is a nice little app that's been around for a long time. It's especially great for DMs who aren't very artistic (like me) that want to add more visual flare to their games. With a dizzying array of options, any user is just a few dozen mouse clicks away from building a character or NPC to printout and show at the next session. You start off choosing a body type (male or female and slender/bulky) and then selecting from various menus everything from boots, bracers, cloaks, weapons, etc. While Heromachine isn't specifically geared for fantasy characters, there are a good enough number of options to render a variety of fantasy types. Characters can be printed out and the data to build the character can be saved into a simple text file. Here's the text data files for the characters above. Note: there seems to be an issue where whatever is in the character's left hand is not properly save/loaded and doesn't actually app...