
Showing posts from October, 2019

Character Sheet for New Players / Kid Players

This sheet is great for a simple game where you've already decided to drop skills and feats out of the game (certainly doable in 5e). There is a small corner with a few helpful hints, but the white text on light purple background might be hard to read when printed. I was recently asked by a friend if I knew of any versions of the Character Sheet for D&D 5e geared toward kids. Seems he's teaching his children the game, and I applaud him for creating the next generation of D&D gamers. I've also been thinking of starting to teach my son, and maybe a few other kids the game, so I began looking around for alternate versions of the classic 5e Character Sheet that could be used with new players or kid players. I found a few that all seem to have some merit, so let me present my findings and you can decide for yourself. Some small, simplified sheets (not just for kids): The first is this nice simple sheet . The sheet has some color coding. It's a great she...

In Case You Missed It...

You probably already know, but to the few who don't, the latest Reaper Miniatures Kickstarter launched a few days ago, and is already off a great start. For more information, check out the link for Reaper Miniatures Bones 5 on Kickstarter. Previously, I passed on their Kickstarters for one reason only (2 actually): my painting skills are so poor and I don't think I would ever paint everything that comes in the core set in my lifetime. I occasionally picked up a few of the add-on sets in the past if it was something specific and unique that I wanted. On the other hand, this Kickstarter, like everyone of their previous ones offers a great value. With many (but not all) of the various stretch goals adding more value to the basic core pledge, you end up seeing your price per mini going down significantly by the end of the campaign. And on top of that, the add-ons give you some unique options for an additional extra cost, nice if you want larger quantities of something in the...

It's Been Such a Long Time

For obvious reasons, as I sit here to write a new blog post, the first in well over a year, I'm reminded of that classic rock song by the amazing band Boston It has been a long time, and a lot has been happening, some of it even worth writing about (at least I think so). The biggest event of the year was my regular visit to GenCon. As usual, the "Best Four Days in Gaming" did not fail to disappoint. As had happened before, this time I was on my own for the convention. Typically, when I go with friends, we usually try to play some games together, meet up for meals, and congregate for late night gaming. With none of that on hand this time, I took advantage of all the freedom to do a few new things. For past GenCon reports, check out these previous posts One of things I do to make GenCon fun and unique for me each year is to mix up what I do, and this year was no different. I did this in a couple of ways. One was to play a new game. This time I was able to g...