GenCon: D-1

It's almost GenCon day, and if you are lucky enough to be going this year (and you are not already in transit), then you are probably like me and frantically trying to get all the last minute things locked down so you can start enjoying "The Best Four Days in Gaming".
For me, this year is requiring a bit more prep than usual, mostly because I'm doing a bit more than usual this year.
Like every other time I've been there, I certainly plan to be spending plenty of time in the Dealer's Room, and playing a bunch of games, but this time around, I'm planning to run a bunch of D&D as well as give a talk about using Lego like products in your D&D games. Both of these things are forcing me to do a bunch of prep work that I didn't need to do in past years. It's certainly fun, but the last few days have not been as relaxing as they have in past years.
But no matter what, I'm sure I'll have a blast!
If you aren't going, please think about checking out this blog, which I'll be updating daily throughout the con, or following me on Twitter (dmfumbl), where I'll be live tweeting.
Happy GenCon 2014!

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