In Case You Missed It...

You probably already know, but to the few who don't, the latest Reaper Miniatures Kickstarter launched a few days ago, and is already off a great start.

For more information, check out the link for Reaper Miniatures Bones 5 on Kickstarter.

Previously, I passed on their Kickstarters for one reason only (2 actually): my painting skills are so poor and I don't think I would ever paint everything that comes in the core set in my lifetime. I occasionally picked up a few of the add-on sets in the past if it was something specific and unique that I wanted.

On the other hand, this Kickstarter, like everyone of their previous ones offers a great value. With many (but not all) of the various stretch goals adding more value to the basic core pledge, you end up seeing your price per mini going down significantly by the end of the campaign. And on top of that, the add-ons give you some unique options for an additional extra cost, nice if you want larger quantities of something in the core pledge (like more than just the three tree creatures offered) or something that might not have large appeal, like the dragonfolk option - or as I like to call them here on this blog, draconians!

This year, I set myself a simple challenge. Since I have so many unpainted minis (and terrain pieces), I set a goal. If I complete 12 pieces (at least 6 need to be creatures/people) before the Kickstarter ends, I'll pick up a core set. Since fulfillment of the KS isn't until 2021 (keep that in mind if you are considering this KS), I should have plenty of extra time to finish a bunch more.

Anyway, the Kickstarter is running for a few more weeks, you should check it out.